White Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry

White snow fountain weeping cherry
Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry trees reach heights of just 8-15 feet. Even when the flowers drop, lush leaves maintain the weeping beauty of this tree. Cheerful white blossoms fill the draping branches in spring. Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry trees reach heights of just 8-15 feet.
How fast does a snow fountain weeping cherry grow?
They can grow about 1-2 feet per year which makes them fairly fast-growing. You can definitely see the growth after even just a couple of years. For the best growth, be sure to water regularly. Typically, they need water weekly, but in very hot conditions, they may need it more frequently.
How long do snow fountain weeping cherry trees bloom?
Blooming for about 3 weeks in mid-spring, a profusion of fragrant, snow-white, single flowers emerge from pink buds and smother the bare branches. They give the appearance of a snow fountain and create a charming see-through effect.
How big does a white weeping cherry tree get?
Mature Height: 20-30 ft. Mature Width: 15-25 ft.
What is the prettiest weeping cherry tree?
Prunus pendula 'Pendula Rosea' (Weeping Cherry) Regarded as one of the finest weeping cherries, Prunus pendula 'Pendula Rosea' is a small deciduous tree forming a broad crown of long, gracefully arching pendulous branches.
Where is the best place to plant a weeping cherry tree?
Choose a planting site that receives full sun to partial shade, and has loose, well-drained soil. Pull any weeds and clear away turfgrass and debris. If you plant your pink weeping cherry tree in full shade, it will not grow as well and be susceptible to root rot.
Does a weeping cherry tree lose its leaves in the winter?
Each type is prized for its stunning flowers that bloom only for a couple of weeks each spring. The rest of the year, the weeping branches are covered in green leaves that turn a vivid yellow in fall before dropping to the ground, leaving the tree bare through winter.
Do weeping cherry trees have invasive roots?
As an ornamental variety of tree, the weeping cherry has a nonaggressive root system. It is also extremely tolerant to many conditions, making it capable of handling the variations in moisture necessary. These characteristics make the weeping cherry a good choice of tree for planting near a septic system.
How messy are weeping cherry trees?
Like their larger cousins, these plants usually grow quickly and produce large numbers of sweet-smelling, showy blossoms in spring. Because dwarf weeping cherry trees are extremely compact and lack messy fruit, they make a smart choice for small yards, but they need some some special care to keep them in good health.
How do you care for a white snow fountain weeping cherry?
Snow Fountain Tree Care Water the tree deeply a couple of times a week during any lengthy dry spells and less if it rains. Fertilize in the spring at the emergence of buds. Use a fertilizer that is made for flowering trees or an all-purpose (10-10-10) fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Are weeping cherry trees hard to care for?
The weeping cherry is carefree, so it doesn't take much. We recommend watering your tree about once or twice weekly as a general rule of thumb, but if you're not sure when to water, just check the soil. When the top 3 inches of soil are dry around your tree, it's time to water.
When should I plant a weeping cherry tree?
Early spring is the best time to plant a weeping cherry tree and you should wait until just after the last spring frost date. For those that live in milder areas, you can also plant your weeping cherry tree in the fall, before the ground starts to freeze and becomes too hard to dig in.
Can you prune a weeping cherry to keep it small?
The weeping cherry tree should be pruned once a year to maintain its shape, trigger new growth, and promote good health. However, some of the outer branches of the tree grow at a fast rate as they try to reach the ground. You can trim these branches lightly whenever you need to maintain the weeping look of the tree.
Should weeping cherry tree branches touching ground?
Start pruning the weeping cherry tree by trimming back the tips of any branches that touch the ground. You want them to be at least 6 inches (15 cm.) above the ground. Next when you trim a weeping cherry tree, remove any branches that are growing straight up.
Should weeping cherry trees be trimmed?
Weeping cherry trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape. They need to be pruned once a year and look best when limbs are trimmed but kept close to the ground.
What is the easiest cherry tree to grow?
Sweetheart Cherry Tree Grown in USDA Zones 5 through 7, the Sweetheart Cherry requires 1,000 chill hours to set fruit. This easy to grow tree offers a later harvest and makes a beautiful ornamental plant. The growth habit is large, with a mature height of 30-35 feet. The tree is a stunner.
How do you prune a snow fountain weeping cherry tree?
- Use a sharp, clean cutting tool to remove unwanted branches or portions of branches with a single clean cut.
- Another way to prune Snow Fountain weeping cherry is to cut all of the cascading branches to the same point a few feet above ground level, shaping the plant to an umbrella-like form.
What is the hardiest cherry tree?
Best Cold-Hardy Cherry Trees
- Juliet.
- Nanking.
- Canada Red Select.
- Carmine Jewel.
- Romeo.
- Western Sand.
- English Morello.
- Early Richmond.
Do weeping cherry trees need a lot of water?
Weeping cherry trees require around 80-gallons of water every week to thrive. We recommend watering two to twice a week during warm weather. However, it's essential to let the soil dry out between waterings to prevent the onset of root rot.
Do weeping cherry trees get big?
Weeping cherry trees range from 6 feet tall and wide to 30 feet tall and wide. The variety and whether the tree is dwarf or standard are the important factors. A standard weeping cherry tree will reach 20 to 25 feet tall and wide, while a dwarf variety will reach 10 to 15 feet tall and wide.
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