Hummelo Stachys

Hummelo stachys
'Hummelo' spreads slowly by creeping rhizomes but stays as a fairly nice clump that only requires division every few years. Considered deer resistant, the strong stems and seed heads will add interest in the winter landscape.
Should you deadhead Stachys hummelo?
Deadhead to tidy after bloom. The flower spikes can be deadheaded for a tidier appearance and possible second flush of bloom or left standing for winter interest. Grow 'Hummelo' in well-drained soil. It prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade.
Does Stachys hummelo rebloom?
'Hummelo' received the highest rating out of 22 Stachys taxa in a comparative study by Richard Hawke, Plant Evaluation Manager of the Chicago Botanic Garden. Exceptional qualities included reblooming without deadheading, no observed reseeding, and outstanding uniformity.
Does Hummelo Betony spread?
Plants will spread over time to form a dense groundcover. Plants are 1.5' – 2' tall with 1.5' - 2' spread. CULTURAL & MAINTENANCE NEEDS: Plant 12-18” apart in full sun to partial shade.
Does lambs ear come back every year?
Stachys byzantina, lamb's ears Evergreen in warm climates, leaves shrivel and die in colder winters. However, the plant doesn't die unless planted in a boggy area. Remove desiccated foliage as new leaves emerge in spring.
Where is the best place to plant lambs ear?
Lamb's ear grows well in average, dry to medium, very well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade. Avoid overwatering as wet leaves invite disease, as do high humidity summers. The plant likes some afternoon shade, particularly in the hot summer.
Does Stachys spread?
Stachys byzantina is easy to grow in dry to medium-moisture soil in a sunny location but can be an excessively aggressive grower in rich soil. Because they spread quickly, plant them about 18 inches apart and avoid overwatering.
Do you cut lambs ear back for winter?
Yes, you should cut back lamb's ear in the fall. This will prevent its silky leaves from rotting. Overall, you will have a happier and healthier plant by trimming it back in the early fall.
Is Stachys invasive?
Stachys palustris (Marsh Woundwort) is a very invasive plant with coarse bristly stems topped with mauve mint-like flowers. Stachys palustris (Marsh Woundwort) is a very invasive plant of damp ground and pond margins, the running white rootstock sends up coarse bristly stems topped with mauve mint-like flowers.
Should I cut off lambs ear flowers?
In summer, each mound of Lamb's Ear will send up spiky purple flowers. Cut it back in late fall to prevent the fuzzy leaves from rotting.
Should you let lambs ear flower?
Most Lamb's ear plants will flower in late spring to early summer, although they are grown for the interesting foliage and the flowers are considered insignificant. It is advisable to deadhead, or remove, the flowers because the plants do self-seed prolifically.
Do you cut back Stachys?
No pruning and training is required, apart from deadheading and cutting down in autumn to winter, ready for fresh growth in spring. It's easiest to dig up and divide Stachys byzantina, Betonica macrantha, Betonica officinalis in spring.
Is Stachys drought tolerant?
Grow it in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Native to the Mediterranean, it's extremely drought-tolerant once established.
Do rabbits eat hummelo?
It is deer and rabbit resistant and the blooms attract many pollinators. The blossoms also make excellent cut flowers.
Does betony need full sun?
Betony (Stachys officinalis) is a perennial herb that is hardy to USDA plant hardiness zone 4. It requires only average soil and tolerates full sun to partial shade. This makes it a welcome choice for those less-than-optimal garden areas, like a shade garden.
Are lambs ears toxic to dogs?
Traditional landscape favorites like lamb's ears, crocuses and holly can cause digestive upsets and worse. Did you know cherry pits contain cyanide and are toxic to cats, dogs and horses?
Is Lamb's Ear invasive?
Lamb's Ear is known to spread rapidly. Quickly taking over wherever it is planted. They are considered invasive to North America and have creeping stems which root wherever they connect with soil. This plant generally loves the sun, but when in the desert they prefer partial shade.
Does lambs ear do well in full sun?
Lamb's ear varieties can withstand poor soil conditions and drought. One thing it will not tolerate, however, is soggy soil. This plant performs best in full-sun conditions, but it can withstand some shade. The plant will look greener in the shade because it will produce fewer dense hairs.
Does Lamb's Ear spread faster?
Lamb's ears is hardy and spreads quickly, which makes it a wonderful ground cover – but it needs to be pruned once a year. S. byzantina is drought tolerant and can grow in full sun or partial shade. In some gardens it may even become weedy and can quickly take over.
What eats lambs ear plant?
Slugs can be a real problem in cool, wet conditions. They are extremely voracious and when abundant they can devour an entire bed of seedlings in a night, or strip almost mature plants.
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